ArgParseInated object

class ArgParseInated(parseinator, **new_attributes)

This class is meant to create sub classes that automatically expose the write(), writeln() methods, the args and cfg attributes of the ArgParseInator. Plus expose all passed new_attributes which will passed by the ArgParseInator.check_command(). It has also the __preinator__ method which is called just at the __init__() end. So we can use it to do some extra action before the command is execute.

class Greetings(ArgParseInated):
    Greet somebody.

    def ciao(self):
        say ciao.
        self.writeln(self.prefix, "ciao to",

ArgParseInator().check_command(prefix="We say", name="Luca")


We can specify __cmd_name__, __arguments__, __shared_arguments__ to do some more trick, see Within classes .


The original name was __prepare__ but I’ve changed it to avoid problems. It’s just called at the end of the __init__() method and is intended to do some action before ArgParseInator executes the command.

class Greetings(ArgParseInated):
    Greet somebody.

    @arg("name", help="The name")
    def ciao(self, name):
        say ciao.
        self.writeln("We say ciao to", name)

    def __preinator__(self):
        if == 'luca':
   = "who? Nobody?"
