
ArgParseInator can handle two simply events before_execute and after_execute. These events can be used on two levels: class level and command level. The command level event overrides the class level event. If the before_execute event returns something different than None or than a 3 elements tuple which the first item is different than None will interrupt the process and return the before_execute value.

The two levels differs in declaration but have the same return type. Obvously the command level leacks the _cmd_name parameter.

# class level event
def event(self, _cmd_name, *args, **kwargs):

# command level event
def event(self, *args, **kwargs):

# simple breaking return
return 1

# 2 values breaking return
return 2, "I Will stop executions"

# 3 values NON breaking return
return None, ['new', 'positional', 'args'], {'new': 'keywords args'}

# 3 values breaking return
return 1, ['new', 'positional', 'args'], {'new': 'keywords args'}

# 3 values breaking tuple return
return (2, "I Will stop executions", ), ['new', 'positional', 'args'], {'new': 'keywords args'}


Some silly example.

from argparseinator import ArgParseInated
from argparseinator import arg, ap_arg
from argparseinator import class_args

class Commands(ArgParseInated):
    """test commands"""

    # we can share the only argument
    __shared_arguments__ = [ap_arg("word", help="The word")]

    def before_execute(self, _cmd_name, *args, **kwargs):
        """Class Level Before execute event"""
        # if we are going to whisper we will replace the word.
        if _cmd_name == 'whisper':
            # return None as first element so we will continue the execution.
            return None, ['pst, pst'], kwargs

    def whisper(self, word):
        """ whisper a word """
        print "Whisper", word
        return 0

    def say(self, word):
        """ say a word """
        print "Say", word
        return 0

    def shout(self, word):
        """ shout a word """
        print "Shout", word
        return 0

    def shout_before_execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Command Level Before execute event"""
        print "Please dont shout!"
        # we will break the execution with a message too
        return 1, "\nBe quiet\n"
    shout.before_execute = shout_before_execute